Destination Imagination Terminology Quiz

  1. What does "IC" stand for in DI terminology?

    Instant Challenge
    International Competition
    Innovative Creativity
  2. What is the role of a "Team Manager" in DI?

    Lead performer
    Adult supervisor and mentor
    Judge for the competition
  3. What is the purpose of "Appraisers" in DI?

    Design submissions
    Evaluate and score team performances
    Create instant challenges
  4. What is the primary goal of "Instant Challenges" in DI?

    To test problem-solving skills with lots of time to create a solution
    To showcase on the spot creativity
    To determine the winner
  5. In DI, what does "Central Challenge" refer to?

    The main problem that teams need to solve over the entire season
    A challenge that happens at the competition venue that you get on the spot
    A challenge based on geography
  6. What do DI teams typically create for their solutions in a DI challenge?

    A detailed report
    A skit or performance
    A scientific experiment
  7. Who are the "Rising Stars!" in Destination Imagination?

    Younger (K-2 grade) teams
    Adult team managers
    Top-performing teams
  8. How is creativity encouraged in Destination Imagination challenges?

    By providing detailed instructions for each challenge with no room for creativity
    By requiring teams to follow strict rules with no room for innovation
    By allowing teams to interpret the challenges in unique ways
  9. In DI, what do "props" refer to?

    People participating in the challenge
    Materials and objects used in the solution
    Judges and appraisers
  10. What is the "Spirit of DI"?

    Encouraging unhealthy levels of competition
    Promoting teamwork and creativity
    Focusing on winning at all costs

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