Sristi S


Sristi Shetty, based in the US, is a remarkable individual known for her sassy personality and frequent eye-rolling, which some say has turned her eye muscles into a football team's envy. Sristi's love for cats is as deep as the dent in her brain from all the forehead-slapping moments. She's also passionate about Destination Imagination (DI).

Sristi's sassy and energetic personality lights up any room she enters. Her antics have become legendary among her friends, often accompanied by a witty retort that keeps everyone laughing. If there's one thing Sristi is known for, it's her ability to find humor in even the most mundane situations.

Among her many interests, Destination Imagination (DI) holds a special place in Sristi's heart. She's a passionate advocate for creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork, which DI fosters. Sristi's involvement in this program has not only honed her own skills but also inspired others to embrace their imaginative potential.

In essence, Sristi Shetty is a one-of-a-kind individual. Her sassy charm, penchant for sweets, love for cats, and dedication to fostering creativity make her a unique and cherished member of her community. Sristi's life is a delightful tapestry of quirks, sweetness, and passion, making her a true gem in the hearts of those who know her.

Sristi with her mother at the 2022-2023 DI Global Finals in Kansas city.

Sristi at globals last year

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